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Your Turn

Complete the arrange sections of the data-wrangling-and-analysis-exercises.Rmd file.

Learn More

General Data Wrangling and Analysis Resources

Because most material that discusses data wrangling and analysis with the dplyr packges does so in a way that covers all of the verbs discussed in this course, I have chosen not to separate them by lesson. Instead, here are some helpful resources for learning more about all of the tidyverse verbs discussed in this course:

Chapter 5 of R for Data Science

RStudio Cloud primer on working with data

Tidyverse for Beginners by Danielle Navarro

Learning Statistics with R by Danielle Navarro

Introduction to the Tidyverse by Alison Hill

A gRadual intRoduction to data wRangling by Chester Ismay and Ted Laderas

Working in the Tidyverse by Desi Quintans and Jeff Powell

Christine Monnier video tutorials on dplyr

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Timothy Ewers

Timothy Ewers

April 1, 2021

I have the same coding as in the solution for this exercise, however, in the output, in addition to the table, I get three boxes added above the table including a box with "R Console", a box with "tbl_df 2x2", and a box with "A tibble: 2x2". And in the console in red is the message, 'summarise()' ungrouping output (override with '.groups' argument).

These don't seem to be problems per se and I can make the message not appear in the knitted output with message = FALSE. I am just curious why I get these added boxes and messages and you don't.



March 26, 2022

Hi, I think you mentioned it before, but now I have forgotten it. How do you run just a portion of the code inside the code chunk instead of all of it.
