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Getting Started with R v1



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Your Turn

  1. Download the course project

  1. Open the project and look at the files within it.

Learn More

The RStudio website has a good overview of projects, as does the Teach Data Science website.

If you want to go really deep, there’s a nice video on LinkedIn Learning titled Why should you use projects in RStudio?

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Auva Shariatmadari

Auva Shariatmadari • June 8, 2021

Every time I open the program I get a notification asking me if I would like to install the tools regarding "Xcode" and the "git" command. Is this something I need to install?



I could not manage to put my directory in the desktop (it gives an error message). It allowed me to use another path such as 'my computer/documents/project.

Ariel Beera Puoric Manyiel

Ariel Beera Puoric Manyiel • July 10, 2021

Very great lesson

Xinru Guo

Xinru Guo • September 6, 2021

Hi David, thanks so much for creating this tutorial video to help us learn R! Learning today's lesson, I was able to create a new project, but can't find it on my desktop. I'm using a Mac. Could you please help me?

Thank you! Xinru

Maria Cristina Limlingan

Maria Cristina Limlingan • September 19, 2021

does it matter where the directory is located? is it recommended to put R on your desktop? I was planning to having it located in a box drive if it didn't matter

Sandra Obradovic

Sandra Obradovic • March 15, 2022

Hi David, I did as instructed but when I try to open the project file by double-clicking it i get a message asking 'how do you want to open it?' and showing me different apps (none of which are R). the file itself doesnt have the R icon next to it but just an empty page icon (if that makes sense).

jeph mathias

jeph mathias • September 21, 2022

Created the new project fine but did not get an option to have it on my desktop. It is in my RStudio in the files pane but not on my desktop. Is this a problem?

Jessica Brewer

Jessica Brewer • October 5, 2022

I'm having the following two issues:

  1. When I create a new project in a new directory, it does not prompt me to choose where I want to save it. Instead it just automatically saves the project to my Documents folder. Is there a way to change this?
  2. When I close out of RStudio, I get a notification from my computer that a file has been deleted (since my Documents are linked to OneDrive, I get this kind of notification any time a file is deleted anywhere). I want to make sure that I am not accidentally deleting things out of my Rproj files. Do I need to save before exiting? What's the appropriate way to exit RStudio (I just clicked the X in the top right corner)? Thank you!
Mercy Abarike

Mercy Abarike • March 25, 2023

can delete a project after creating it? Can i rename an existing project

Jessica Smith

Jessica Smith • August 23, 2023

Hi! I loaded a bear of a dataset into R before adding this data to a project... is there a way I can transfer the data frame into a project without having to reload it? it tooks 19 hours to load in the first time....

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • August 24, 2023

That is a big dataset! What format is your data in now?

Bianca Guevara Magallanez

Bianca Guevara Magallanez • August 25, 2023

My error message is saying: package ‘usethis’ is not available (for R version 3.3.3)

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • August 25, 2023

You should definitely upgrade R! That will take care of this problem.