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Convert your report to a dashboard using flexdashboard

Learn More

Check out the flexdashboard website to learn more about how to make flexdashboard. The layouts page is really helpful to see the ways to make various types of layouts using flexdashboard. And the examples page provides some great, um, examples!

There are other ways to make dashboards using R. You can, for example, use the distill package to make a multipage website, which resembles a dashboard. One example you saw during the Making Your Reports Shine: HTML Edition lesson included a dashboard I made using distill (for privacy reasons, I’m only showing the top of it, but there were a bunch of graphs and maps below).

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Lucilla Piccari

Lucilla Piccari

May 31, 2021


With the following YAML:

title: "Diversity in Oregon School Districts" author: "Lucilla Piccari" date: "07/05/2021" params: district: "Portland SD 1J" race_ethnicity: "Asian" year: "2018-2019" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard vertical_layout: scroll orientation: rows

I get this error message while trying to knit:

Error in yaml::yaml.load(..., eval.expr = TRUE) : Scanner error: mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 10, column 20 Calls: ... parse_yaml_front_matter -> yaml_load -> Execution halted

Line 10 column 20 corresponds to the x character in "flex_dashboard" I searched online and it seems to be something to do with an extra space or indentation in the wrong place, but I can't seem to find what it is (maybe I just don't see it!)


Oluwaseun Oyewole

Oluwaseun Oyewole

April 28, 2022

When deciding to make dashboards, is there a criteria for doing this via Shiny vs Flexdashboard? (i.e When would it make sense to make your dashboard in Rmarkdown vs in Shiny?)