Tweak Spacing
This lesson is called Tweak Spacing, part of the Going Deeper with R course. This lesson is called Tweak Spacing, part of the Going Deeper with R course.
Click on the transcript to go to that point in the video. Please note that transcripts are auto generated and may contain minor inaccuracies.
Your Turn
Use the expand argument within the scale_x_discrete()
function to remove any gaps in your plot.
Learn More
To read more about the expand()
function, check out the ggplot documentation website. As you may have picked up in the video, I often end up just playing around with the values here in order to find something that gives me what I want.
There is also a great cheatsheet by Christian Burkhardt showing how expand()
Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!
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44 Lessons
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Abby Isaacson • May 18, 2021
I forgot to put in the "add" to the last line, but it seems to have worked fine? What's the add for? scale_x_discrete(expand = expansion(c(.1, .35)))
When I added a fig.width = 10 code in my Rmd setup code, only this plot in Rmd turned TINY. It returns to normal size when I remove the code, but then it's cut off when I knit. Without cutoff, I can only really read this graph when I knit it. I didn't see yours turn small when you set the width!?
Matt M • December 7, 2021
I noticed when using both add and mult, I have change the nudge_x and nudge_y values within the geom_text. I see in this code, you are no longer using either and instead have gone to hjust. When is it "better" to nudge_x rather than hjust?