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This carefully curated collection of resources will help you find packages and learning resources to help you on your R journey.

Screenshot of A Twitter bot with {rtweet} and GitHub Actions

A Twitter bot with {rtweet} and GitHub Actions

A blog post about creating a Twitter bot using the R package rtweet and GitHub Actions

Screenshot of Add last rendered or modified time to Quarto

Add last rendered or modified time to Quarto

Garrick Aden-Buie's blog post introduces 'now,' a Quarto extension that allows the automatic update of time information in Quarto documents. This extension saves time by eliminating the need for manual updates of dates in documentation footers. By adding the extension using 'quarto add gadenbuie/quarto-now,' Quarto users can employ shortcodes like '{{< now >}}' and '{{< modified >}}' to display the current or last modified time. The extension supports customization of time output formats and may significantly streamline Quarto project maintenance by ensuring date accuracy without manual intervention.

Git for Humans

A talk by Alice Bartlett at UX Brighton 2016 about using Git for humans.

Screenshot of Happy Git with R

Happy Git with R

Happy Git and GitHub for the useR provides instructions on how to install and use Git and GitHub with R and R Markdown. It covers key workflows and demonstrates the synergy between R/R Markdown/RStudio and GitHub. The target audience includes those who use R for data analysis or work on R packages.

Screenshot of Introduction to Open Data Science: GitHub

Introduction to Open Data Science: GitHub

This chapter covers the topic of using GitHub for collaboration in open data science projects. It includes objectives and resources for learning about Git and GitHub, setting up Git & GitHub, creating and cloning repositories, syncing files between local and remote repositories, exploring remote GitHub, and collaborating with GitHub.

Screenshot of R for Excel Users: GitHub

R for Excel Users: GitHub

This is a GitHub tutorial for R users who are familiar with Excel. It covers topics such as RStudio, RMarkdown, GitHub, ggplot2, dplyr, and tidying data.

Screenshot of R package workshop

R package workshop

This content outlines the structure and components of an R package development workshop. It includes topics like setting up an environment, writing and documenting functions, version control, and publishing to repositories like CRAN and GitHub. The workshop is aimed at individuals with basic R knowledge and focuses on practical aspects, such as naming packages, creating DESCRIPTION files, managing dependencies, and integrating version control systems. Advanced topics include dataset inclusion and language integration. It is intended for a bioinformatics audience by COMBINE, utilizing bookdown for writing and RStudio for development.

Screenshot of Stat545


This is the table of contents for the STAT 545 resource, which covers various topics related to R programming.