R is unique among programming languages because it is designed for statistics. Unlike other general purpose languages that can work with data (e.g. Python), data analysis is at the core of what R does.
Given this, many people are disappointed when they struggle to figure out how to do inferential statistics with R. They say, “I know how to do a t-test in SPSS, I just want to do the same thing in R!” Sound familiar? If so, this course is designed for you.
This course won’t teach you to do fancy modeling, machine learning, or any other type of analysis currently en vogue. It will, however, teach you everything you need to know to do the core set of statistical tests that probably make up the majority of your work. In addition to t-tests, you’ll learn to do ANOVA, chi-square, correlation, regression, and more.
If learning to do inferential stats has been the barrier to you moving to R, this course can be the guide you need to make the switch. The time you invest in the course will repay itself tenfold, as you stop paying for expensive software and embrace the free (and more powerful!) alternative: R.