Violated Assumptions
This lesson is called Violated Assumptions, part of the Inferential Statistics with R course. This lesson is called Violated Assumptions, part of the Inferential Statistics with R course.
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Your Turn
Try the various transformations on the age
variable. Do any of them improve the normality of the variable? Test using the shapiro_test()
function as you learned in the “Testing assumptions” lesson.
Learn More
Read more about the Winsorize() function in the DescTools package.
Read more about applying transformations in R.
Read more about performing the non-parametric equivalent statistics in the rstatix package:
wilcox_test() as the non-parametric equivalent of the independent samples t-test (note: this is synonymous of the Mann-Whitney U test)
sign_test() as the non-parametric equivalent of the dependent samples t-test
kruskall_test() as the non-parametric equivalent of the one-way ANOVA
friedman_test() as the non-parametric equivalent of the one-way repeated measures ANOVA
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Course Content
21 Lessons
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