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Inferential Statistics with R

Introduction to the Dataset


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Your Turn

You’ll be working with the college dataset to run all your analyses.

  1. Create a new project. Make sure you put it somewhere you’ll be able to find it again later!

  2. Download the dataset “college.csv” here.

  3. Create a new R script file or RMarkdown document where you’ll do all of your inferential statistics. Alternatively, download the blank exercises document.

  4. Import the spreadsheet into a dataframe college using readr::read_csv()

Learn More

To learn more about the summarytools package, check out its vignette.

The grade_class variable in the dataset is not a factor, but could become one. To learn about factors, check out Chapter 15 of R for Data Science.

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta • October 15, 2021

Hi- the first two links in the 'Learn More' section don't work or exist anymore. Thanks, Gaurav

Gaurav Gupta

Gaurav Gupta • October 17, 2021

Thanks David- this package (summarytools) has turned out to be one of the most powerful tools I have ever used in R. I have been struggling with using 'weights' for analysing survey data in R and recently came across the 'pollster' package. summarytools can do far more than pollster can and brings R almost at par with what STATA in terms of comprehensive summary stats by with or without incorporating weights.

Brenda Domeika Ponsot

Brenda Domeika Ponsot • July 15, 2022

Hello - library(summarytools) will not run for me. The error message: Error in library(summarytools) : there is no package called ‘summarytools’

gene trevino

gene trevino • January 22, 2025

I cannot get on the URL to download college.csv

when I click the link it takes me to a page that says "404: not found"


David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • January 22, 2025

Sorry about that! Please try this link.

gene trevino

gene trevino • January 23, 2025


the link does not work either. All the data is jumbled on one page.
