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What's New in R

What's New in R is a weekly email with three resources to help you up your R game.

Why start this email series? Well, before Elon Musk took over Twitter, it was the place where I learned about new things in R. I constantly told people learning R to follow the #rstats hashtag. But, with Musk’s values in direct contrast to those that have made the R community great, many (most?) prominent R users have fled the platform. With R users now posting on Mastodon, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc, it’s hard to know where to go to find out what’s new in R.

There are already aggregators of R content out there. You may be familiar with the R-bloggers website, which brings together blog posts from many R blogs. You may also know R Weekly, which sends a weekly email with the latest and greatest in R. There is also an R Weekly podcast that offers an audio overview of each week’s email.

What’s New in R is not intended to replace R-bloggers or R Weekly. Instead, I want to complement them. Both R-bloggers and R Weekly are long and comprehensive, sharing many links on a regular basis. The resources they share tend to be on the advanced side of things.

What’s New in R will be different. I’ll send out just three resources each issue. And I’ll focus on sending resources that are applicable to as wide a swath of R users as possible. Think things like data visualization, reporting with R Markdown and Quarto, workflow improvements, etc.

Curious to see what What's New in R looks like? Check it out!

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