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Using Git and GitHub with R

Connect RStudio and GitHub


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Your Turn

  1. Create a GitHub account

  2. Create a GitHub personal access token (PAT) using the create_github_token() function from the usethis package

  3. Register your PAT using the gitcreds_set() function from the gitcreds package

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Juan Clavijo

Juan Clavijo • October 21, 2021

If I set the token to expire in 7 days, will I need to do this process again in 7 days?

Michael Bedan

Michael Bedan • March 13, 2023

Do I use the same PAT on multiple computers? I have two laptops I use regularly when I am using R and I want to access the same projects.

Alberto Cabrera

Alberto Cabrera • July 2, 2024

A year ago, I relied on SSH to link RSudio to GitHub. I've got a long SSH key as well as an identifyFile ~/.ssh/id_ed255519. I also had to set up an SSH password. Do I need to reset this option using PAT instead?

Sorry for asking dumb questions. But navigating this Git process has been daunting for me.

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • July 3, 2024

No need to do anything with the SSH key you created previously. You can just use the PAT moving forward.