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Welcome to Using Git and GitHub with R! This course will help you learn how to use Git and GitHub to improve your workflow in R.


Each lesson in this course has a video. You'll watch the video and then, for most lessons, complete a Your Turn exercise.

Unlike other R for the Rest of Us courses, I haven't made solutions videos for the Your Turn exercises. This is because I show exactly what you need to do in the lesson video and so, if you need help, you can just go back and rewatch that.

One of the coolest features of the video hosting system I use is that you can search the audio within each video. To do so, just click the search button and enter your text.

When watching the videos, you can click the "Search" area on the top right of your screen to search for text in the video.

In addition to the individual lesson videos, I've put all of the videos in the course together below. You can use the search bar to search across all videos. Try it out!

Course Materials

Unlike other R for the Rest of Us courses, this course doesn't have materials that you need to download. Instead, you'll be given assignments where you create your own RStudio projects and work within them.

The only materials you might want to access are the slides, which are available online.


If you have any questions, please put them in the section below each lesson.

At the end of each lesson, you can find a line that says "Have any question? Put them below"

Under this sentences, you can find a text box where you can write a question.

Right below the text box and before you "Publish" your question, you can select the option "Notify me via e-mail if anyone answers my comment".

Additional Resources

Where relevant, I've added Learn More resources below each lesson. However, for the topic of Git and GitHub, most of the best resources out there are not on one specific topic (e.g. branches). Given this, I'm putting some general resources on Git and GitHub below:

Finally, I'd like to offer a caution: if you Google for things related to Git and GitHub, most search results will talk about using the command line. You'll see instructions to type things like: git commit -m "Commit message". In this course, I take a different approach. I show you how to work with Git and GitHub using RStudio and the GitHub website. I do this for three reasons:

  1. Most of what people need to do can be accomplished within the RStudio Git pane and GitHub.

  2. For many people, especially those relatively new to coding, having to learn a new coding "language" (i.e., using Git at the command line) is too much.

  3. I want to keep your focus on the concepts of Git and GitHub, not the specific commands needed to use them.

If you learn the fundamentals of working with Git and GitHub in this course, you can definitely go on and learn to use Git at the command line. But just know that it's not necessary. I don't use the command line myself, and I do everything I need to do.

I hope you enjoy the course. If you have any feedback, please feel free to email me at [email protected].

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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