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The Glamour of Graphics

Grids, borders, lines, and axes examples and exercises


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Your Turn

Start with the code below. Then, apply the principles you have learned about for axes, grids, borders, etc to a plot you have made. The code below also has a starting plot for you if you prefer to use that.

##Your turn

#plastic pollution dataset
plastics <- readr::read_csv('')

#Take a plot you made with the plastic pollution dataset (it doesn't need to be a scatter plot)
#And apply the principles you learned about for axes, grids, borders, etc. 
#If you don't want to use your own plot, you can use this one...

#wrangle data
data <- plastics %>%
  group_by(parent_company) %>%
  summarize(total = sum(grand_total, na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
  arrange(desc(total)) %>%
  slice(4:14) %>%
  mutate(parent_company = ifelse(parent_company == "NULL", "Unknown", 
#example starting plot
ggplot(data) +
  geom_col(aes(x = total, y = reorder(parent_company, total)), fill = "orchid4")

#now apply your styling of the grids, axes, borders, and backgrounds

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Blayne Beacham

Blayne Beacham • February 21, 2023

Hey Will,

I really like the "g" and "mm" trick for the labelling of the x and y axes but I'm wondering if it is possible to just label the first (or last) instance of this and let the others be just the numbers. Is this possible?