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This carefully curated collection of resources will help you find packages and learning resources to help you on your R journey.

Screenshot of The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2024

The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2024

This content provides an overview of the RedMonk Programming Language Rankings for January 2024. Sponsored by AWS, the analysis examines programming language popularity based on GitHub pull requests and Stack Overflow discussions, aiming to forecast adoption trends rather than current usage. The methodology is a continuation of work from 2010 by Conway and Myles White, updated for changes in data sources and collection methods. While anomalies in the data suggest an impact from AI code assistants, the rankings still strive to reflect meaningful insights into language traction and potential future shifts in developer preference.

Screenshot of The Tidy Trekker - Making Circular Maps in ggplot

The Tidy Trekker - Making Circular Maps in ggplot

Learn how to create circular maps in ggplot using R, with a step-by-step tutorial and code examples.

Screenshot of The tidyverse style guide

The tidyverse style guide

The tidyverse style guide

Screenshot of Tidy data for efficiency, reproducibility, and collaboration

Tidy data for efficiency, reproducibility, and collaboration

This illustrated series discusses the power of tidy data for efficiency, reproducibility, and collaboration in data science. It emphasizes the importance of organizing data in a structured and standardized format, which enables the use of existing tools, facilitates collaboration, and enhances reproducibility. The series provides examples and resources for working with tidy data and highlights its benefits in data analysis and research.

Screenshot of Tidy Data Vignette

Tidy Data Vignette

Tidy data is a concept in data analysis that involves structuring datasets to facilitate analysis. The tidy data standard provides a standardized way to organize data values within a dataset. This resource is a vignette that explains the principles and importance of tidy data and provides examples in R using the tidyr package.

Tidy Tuesday live screencast: Analyzing global crop yields in R

A live screencast of a Tidy Tuesday session where global crop yields are analyzed using R.

Screenshot of tidycensus


Load US Census Boundary and Attribute Data as tidyverse and sf-Ready Data Frames

Screenshot of tidyexplain


Animations of tidyverse verbs using R, the tidyverse, and gganimate.

Screenshot of tidygeocoder


Tidygeocoder is an R package that makes getting data from geocoding services easy. It provides a unified high-level interface for a selection of supported geocoding services and returns results in tibble (dataframe) format.

Screenshot of tidykids


State-by-State Spending on Kids Dataset from the Urban Institute in a Tidy Format

Screenshot of tidylog


Tidylog provides feedback about dplyr and tidyr operations. It provides wrapper functions for the most common functions, such as filter, mutate, select, and group_by, and provides detailed output for joins.