This carefully curated collection of resources will help you find packages and learning resources to help you on your R journey.
A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.1. Data Transformation - Part 1
This post is part of the Scientist's Guide to R series and focuses on data transformation techniques for wrangling, tidying, and cleaning data. It introduces the core functions of the dplyr package, as well as other relevant functions in base R. The post covers topics such as selecting columns, filtering rows, modifying columns, obtaining descriptive summaries of data, assigning grouping structures, and arranging data frames. The post also mentions the data.table package for working with large datasets. The examples in the post demonstrate how to use the select() function from the dplyr package to subset columns from a data frame.
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A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.2 - Joining Data with dplyr
This post is part of the Scientist's Guide to R series and focuses on using joins to combine data frames in R with the dplyr package. It covers different types of joins, such as inner, left, right, full, semi, and anti join, as well as using bind_rows() or bind_cols() to build data frames. The post also mentions the merge() function in base R for joining data frames.
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A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.3 - string manipulation and regex
A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.3 - string manipulation and regex
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A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.4 - forcats for factors
This post is part of a series called A Scientist's Guide to R and focuses on how to work with factors in R using the forcats package.
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A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.5 - dates & times
A Scientist's Guide to R: Step 2.5 - dates & times is a blog post that provides a guide on how to work with dates and times in R using the lubridate package. It covers topics such as date/time basics, reading dates, time zones, month names, extracting datetime components, custom date formats, date calculations, and planning a behavioural neuroscience experiment. The post aims to help readers handle dates and times effectively in R.
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A SIMPLE guide to create BUMP CHARTS with ggplot2 - YouTube
A YouTube tutorial on creating bump charts with ggplot2
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A timeline of R's first 30 years
This content celebrates the 30th anniversary of the R language with a timeline highlighting significant milestones, packages, and papers. Developed by Tim Brock, Colin Gillespie, and the Jumping Rivers Team, it showcases R's evolution and invites contributions through social media. The standalone timeline is inspired by a figure in a publication on R's role in bioinformatics and data science. Jumping Rivers offers related training and a newsletter.
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A Twitter bot with {rtweet} and GitHub Actions
A blog post about creating a Twitter bot using the R package rtweet and GitHub Actions
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Access and Manipulate Comprehensive Country Level Data in Tidy Format • tidycountries
The tidycountries package in R provides a comprehensive interface for accessing and manipulating country-level data. It includes details such as names, regions, populations, currencies, and more in a tidy format that integrates with the tidyverse. It's useful for global research, visualizations, and querying country information. The package can be easily installed from CRAN or GitHub and integrates well with the tidyverse, making data manipulation straightforward.
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Add last rendered or modified time to Quarto
Garrick Aden-Buie's blog post introduces 'now,' a Quarto extension that allows the automatic update of time information in Quarto documents. This extension saves time by eliminating the need for manual updates of dates in documentation footers. By adding the extension using 'quarto add gadenbuie/quarto-now,' Quarto users can employ shortcodes like '{{< now >}}' and '{{< modified >}}' to display the current or last modified time. The extension supports customization of time output formats and may significantly streamline Quarto project maintenance by ensuring date accuracy without manual intervention.
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Adding a logo to images with {magick} and {purrr}
Jadey Ryan shared her experience with automating the process of adding logos to images using the R packages {magick} and {purrr}. She also highlighted new merchandise such as tote bags and embroidered hats on her Etsy shop. Additionally, she announced a free webinar series on soil health where she will demo the {soils} R package. Alongside, she informed about the Parameterized Quarto workshops she is giving, focusing on efficient report generation using R and Quarto, with the next one scheduled with R-Ladies Abuja.
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Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}
Adding social media icons to charts with {ggplot2}
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