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This carefully curated collection of resources will help you find packages and learning resources to help you on your R journey.

STOP Wasting Space on HUGE LEGENDS | A ggplot2 step-by-step guide - YouTube

A step-by-step guide on how to create more compact legends in ggplot2.

Screenshot of stringr


Simple, Consistent Wrappers for Common String Operations

Screenshot of provides additional functions for working with strings, especially for extracting specific text from URLs and file paths. It is a package for the R programming language.

Screenshot of tablerDash


Tabler API for Shiny is a package that provides a tablerDash template for creating dashboards in Shiny applications. It is based on Bootstrap 4 and offers a responsive UI design. The package can be installed from CRAN or from the GitHub repository. It works with all RStudio products and has a demo available on The package is developed by David Granjon and is licensed under GPL (>= 2).

Screenshot of Take A Sad Plot & Make It Better: A Case Study with R and ggplot2

Take A Sad Plot & Make It Better: A Case Study with R and ggplot2

A case study with R and ggplot2 on improving a sad plot

Screenshot of Telling Stories with Data

Telling Stories with Data

Telling Stories with Data by Rohan Alexander is a comprehensive guide on communicating insights effectively using data in R and Python. Published by Chapman and Hall/CRC, the book is endorsed by experts for its unique approach in emphasizing statistical communication, programming, and modeling. It covers the entire data science workflow, including data acquisition, analysis, and reproducibility, making it an excellent resource for statistics courses or self-learning. It focuses on developing the computational and philosophical skills necessary for sense-making and telling stories with data, making it a valuable tool for data scientists and analysts.

Screenshot of The complete guide to scales

The complete guide to scales

A complete guide to scales in ggplot2.

The ggplot flipbook

The ggplot flipbook is a book made with xaringan that introduces the ggplot2 package in R. It explains the concept of the layered grammar of graphics and demonstrates a 'slow ggplotting' method for building plots incrementally. The book provides examples and code snippets to help users learn how to use ggplot2 effectively for data visualization.

Screenshot of The Glamour of Graphics

The Glamour of Graphics

In this talk, William Chase presents design principles that can be applied to transform any chart from drab to fab. He focuses on the 'Glamour of Graphics' and how it can be implemented in ggplot to improve the visual appeal and persuasive power of charts.

Screenshot of The MockUp - Creating and using custom ggplot2 themes

The MockUp - Creating and using custom ggplot2 themes

Creating and using custom ggplot2 themes

Screenshot of The power of three: purrr-poseful iteration in R with map, pmap and imap

The power of three: purrr-poseful iteration in R with map, pmap and imap

This post explores the map family of functions in the purrr package, which provide useful tools for iterating through lists and vectors in R. It focuses on map, pmap, and imap functions and their uses in manipulating multi-dimensional datasets and applying statistical models.

Screenshot of The R Package Workflow

The R Package Workflow

This text describes the R package workflow for structuring data science projects.