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Your Turn

Complete the bar chart sections of the data-visualization-exercises.Rmd file.

Learn More

Bar Chart Resources

You can also find examples of code to make bar charts on the Data to Viz website , the R Graph Gallery website , and in Chapter 3 of the R Graphics Cookbook. Michael Toth also has a detailed blog post about making bar charts with ggplot.

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Allison Brenner

Allison Brenner

March 25, 2021

I keep getting an error message "attempt to use zero-length variable name". When I get this it's usually some small thing I missed, but I missed things last week and didn't get this message. I'm wondering why I'm seeing this now, and what exactly it means. Also, suddenly I don't get R Studio's automatic prompts when I begin writing a command. For example, when I start "summarise(" it doesn't prompt with the options for the command. Any ideas why I might be experiencing these changes? I have started a new R session and changed the defaults as you indicated in the lessons, but otherwise haven't made any intentional changes in how I am using R.

Nithin Pradeep

Nithin Pradeep

October 7, 2021

Hii David, I have a survey dataset with me. The survey has got 4 sections. I want the data to be visualised in such a way that I have "Male" and "Female" in the x-axis and the average sectional scores on y-axis. Can you help me with this?

Nadia Chang

Nadia Chang

October 13, 2022

For this exercise I gave the data frame and the new variable the same name, but I got the same result. Why this happened? could this give you any trouble later? But I see it's better to give different names.

sleep_by_gender % 
  group_by(gender) %>% 
  summarize(sleep_by_gender = mean(sleep_hrs_night, 
                                   na.rm = TRUE))

I noticed the code works without putting "mapping=" before aes--is this a bad habit to leave it out? This worked for me:

nhanes %>% ggplot(aes (x=smoke_now)) + geom_bar()