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Congratulations, you've now completed the Fundamentals of R course!

I designed this course to give the fundamental skills to use R in your work. Now that you have the fundamentals down, you should be able to begin producing reports in RMarkdown that incorporate the data wrangling and analysis as well as data visualization skills you’ve learned.

How do you keep your learning going? I know I’ve mentioned them before, but the two best resources to continue learning R are the (free) R for Data Science book and the weekly screencasts done by David Robinson.

I also offer a paid course, Going Deeper with R, that builds on this course. While you’ve learned the fundamentals working with clean data, the Going Deeper course will teach you to clean and tidy the type of data you’re likely to work with in the real world. You’ll also learn not just how to make data visualizations, but how to use data viz to communicate effectively.

You should also know that there is an incredibly supportive community of R users online. The best place to find them is on Twitter (look at the #rstats hashtag) and as part of the R for Data Science Slack community (it sprung up around the book of the same name). Both are great places to see how others are using R and to ask questions of your own. Unlike so many places online, R communities tend to be incredibly supportive.

If there are any ways that I can further support your R journey, please let me know.

Want to get your whole organization on board with R? Please take a look at the custom training services I offer.

Finally, if you have any feedback (positive or negative), please let me know. Thanks again for taking the course!

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