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Your Turn

Reuse the RMarkdown document you made in the last lesson. Then:

  1. Go into the YAML and change the title to “My Super Fancy Report.”

  2. Remove the line with the date from the YAML.

  3. Change the output format to HTML by changing output: word_document to output: html_document.

  4. Knit again and open report.html to make sure your changes show up.

Learn More

If you are really curious about why YAML is called YAML, here's the definitive answer.

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Eduardo Rodriguez

Eduardo Rodriguez

March 22, 2021

Hi David,

Everything is working great, RMarkdown is a fantastic tool! However, I noticed that when I knit my code it automatically opens the file. It's not a bad thing but I am curious how I change the settings? In your video it doesn't automatically open.

Thank you,

Eduardo Rodriguez

Lindsay Quarles

Lindsay Quarles

October 1, 2021

As soon as I tried to edit the YAML everything went away and all I see is PK with two red dots. What did I do wrong?

Hi David, I keep getting this error when trying to knit to a html document. I can knit to a word document just fine. I've all tried doing "install.packages("sass") and that didn't seem to fix the problem. Do you have any ideas for what could be causing this?

Error in loadNamespace(i, c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[i]]) : there is no package called ‘sass’ Calls: ... loadNamespace -> withRestarts -> withOneRestart -> doWithOneRestart Execution halted


Andrew Paquin

Andrew Paquin

March 19, 2023

Hi David, All of this worked for me, but I notice that my report did not open in a browser immediately as yours did. Instead, it opened in another window that included a button to enable a browser view. Not a big deal; it's just one small extra step. Is it something I should try to fix?