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Have you ever looked at a beautiful chart and thought: wow, I wish I could make something like that!

 It might seem like some people have an innate design sensibility that you don’t. It’s easy to think, “I’m a data person, not a designer. I’m never gonna be able to make beautiful data viz.”

 But here’s the secret: anyone can make beautiful data viz.

Will Chase is a journalist at Axios who has worked for years to hone the craft of designing data viz.

 In this course, which builds on Will’s 2020 talk of the same name, he’ll give you a peek behind the curtain showing you how he creates beautiful data viz and showing you how to do it too, all while working in R.

The Glamour of Graphics

37 Lessons (5h 53m) • 143 Students Enrolled

Will Chase By Will Chase

Course Includes

  • Certificate
  • Self-Paced
  • Lifetime Access

50% discount for:

Low-income locations

25% discount for:

Groups of 3 or more

Bundle Discounts

Buy multiple courses at the same time for a discount.

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5+ Courses

35% off

Cannot be combined with any other discount.

Course Content

37 Lessons (5h 53m)

Will Chase

Will Chase

About the Instructor

Will Chase is the visual storytelling lead at Axios.

A developer, designer, journalist, and artist, he uses his background as a researcher to better understand the world around us through data.

He shares insights through clear and vivid storytelling that delights readers, makes complex topics accessible and creates ah-hah moments.

What People Say

I’ve had so many false starts trying to learn R: my initial excitement at learning something new is quickly dashed by the brick wall of coding. I keep telling myself R is not for non-coders like me and off I slope back to Excel! This course is different. To use the words of one of my data heroes, Alberto Cairo, this course doesn’t try to simplify R but it helps clarify the basic skills you need. The step-by-step approach to building skills kept me engaged and learning all the way through. All the while I kept thinking, I know how I can use this in my current job.

Kevin Cahill
Kevin Cahill Data Officer, We Are With You

I am speechless! I have been trying to feel comfortable with R for so many years. I used to spend so much time looking for resources on the internet, trying to put all the pieces together, and I was always defeated. This course is an excellent shortcut to learning R.

Juliana Machado
Juliana Machado Brazilian Ministry of Economy

I have attended a few R courses, some of which were well taught, but nowhere near as practical as yours. I'll certainly continue subscribing and be considering your future courses.

Rod Ling
Rod Ling Data Analyst

I've been dipping my toes in the R water for many years, your site and approach has been the most accessible and useful by far!

Bohdanna Kinasevych
Bohdanna Kinasevych Leading4Impact


Are there any prerequisites for this course?

This course assumes you are at least an intermediate R user who knows how to make basic data viz.

Can I get a refund if I’m not satisfied?

Absolutely! If you are unsatisfied with the course for any reason, contact me and I will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

How long will I have access to the course for?


Get Lifetime Access

for $99