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Data Cleaning with R

Empty Rows and Columns


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Your Turn

Import the Marine Protected Areas dataset (MPAS-your.csv)

Identify the empty rows and columns

Remove the empty rows and columns

Learn More

If you want to do even more with missing data, check out the naniar package.

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Alberto Cabrera

Alberto Cabrera • January 13, 2024

In trying to remove both rows and columns with missing data using the following Luis' solution prompted the following error.

MPA <- MPAS_your |> remove_empty(which = "cols") |> filter(!across(-rank_by_extent,

Error in filter(): ℹ In argument: !across(-rank_by_extent, Caused by error: ! ..1 must be a logical vector, not a logical matrix.

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • January 15, 2024

It looks like the use of across() within filter() was deprecated in dplyr 1.0.8. You can change your code to use the if_any() function instead as follows:

MPAs %>%
  remove_empty(which = c("rows", "cols")) %>%
  mash_colnames(1) %>%
  filter(!if_any(-`Rank (by extent)`,
Alberto Cabrera

Alberto Cabrera • January 15, 2024

It worked. Actually I tried the version below, when I received the deprecated message. I did not realize to qualify if_any with the negation. Many thanks for sending me the correct answer.

MPAS_your |> remove_empty(which = c("rows","cols")) |> filter(if_any(-rank_by_extent,

Alberto Cabrera

Alberto Cabrera • January 15, 2024

It worked. Actually I tried the version below, when I received the deprecated message. I did not realize to qualify if_any with the negation. Many thanks for sending me the correct answer.

MPAS_your |> remove_empty(which = c("rows","cols")) |> filter(if_any(-rank_by_extent,