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Getting Started with R v1

Install R


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Your Turn

  1. Download and Install R

  2. Open R and use any mathematical operators (+, -, /, and *) to create an expression and make sure it works as expected

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Israel Johnson

Israel Johnson • September 15, 2021

I already have R and R studio installed. What do I need to do to see if I have the right version?


Charles Obiorah

Charles Obiorah • March 9, 2022

Hi David, hope you are good. I just down loaded the R and I clicked for a short cut and fast means of accessing. Howeveer I have 2 Icons on my desk top,one Ri386.... and the other Rx64 4.1.2... Does it appear they are for 64 and 32 bits? I also observe that the R is for windows and they said 4.1 .Does it mean windows 4. since I am using Windows 10 does it have any effect.

What am I to do next please Thanks and have a good day

Dana Loll

Dana Loll • March 17, 2022

Hi there! Received some error messages about using a non-UTF8 locale and ASCII characters. It is directing me to "R for Mac OS X FAQ section 9." Where do I find this?

Dr. Awuor PONGE

Dr. Awuor PONGE • May 12, 2022

Working on the R Console looks good so far.