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Your Turn

  1. Download and Install R

  2. Open R and use any mathematical operators (+, -, /, and *) to create an expression and make sure it works as expected.

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Ben Meredith Jr

Ben Meredith Jr

September 4, 2023

I have a Google Chromebook, a Chrome OS. What should I do?

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

September 4, 2023

I think your only option is run R in the cloud using Posit Cloud. Let me know if that works for. you!

Leo Gutknecht-Gmeiner

Leo Gutknecht-Gmeiner

September 18, 2023

I have version 3.3.2 on my Mac from an earlier attempt of using R. Will it overwrite if I install the latest release? Or should I try to deinstall the older version first? And what package should I download? I have an iMac from 2015 with macOS Monterey Version 12.6.8

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

September 19, 2023

Yes, your packages will be overwritten if you install a newer version of R. However, 3.3.2 is very old at this point so I'd definitely recommend it. No need to uninstall anything first. In terms of packages, I'll give you a few to install in future lessons. Other than that, up to your needs!

Kim Phillips

Kim Phillips

March 14, 2024

DOS! My first coding class was in Basic. I won't say the year :-P