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Package Development with R

Create other templates


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Your Turn

  • Let’s create a usethis-style function to help set up analysis projects. In the folder exercises/templates/, there are three files: “packages.R”, “analysis.R”, and “report.Rmd”. Open them up and take a look. Note that report.Rmd has some whisker variables in the YAML!

  • Copy the files to inst/templates by running this code in the console: fs::dir_copy(“exercises/templates/”, “inst/templates”)

  • Open R/create_analysis.R. create_analysis() is going to help us set up the project directory, but we need to complete it. In lines 22, 23, and 25, add the template names: “packages.R”, “analysis.R”, and “report.Rmd”.

  • Remember that “report.Rmd” has data to whisk. We need to tell it what to pass to the final file. The data argument takes a named list. For this argument, write: list(author = author, title = title).

  • Below create_analysis() is a helper function, usethis::use_template(), to create files from templates. Change the package argument to “avalanchr”.

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