devtools and usethis
This lesson is called devtools and usethis, part of the Package Development with R course. This lesson is called devtools and usethis, part of the Package Development with R course.
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Welcome to section 1 of the course! The materials for this section are in this GitHub repo.
Your Turn
After you download or clone the materials from the GitHub repo for this section of the course, open the entire project by clicking 01_avalanchr.Rproj and then work in the exercises.Rmd file.
Load usethis and devtools if you haven’t.
Open the DESCRIPTION file and take a look. It’s very generic!
Run edit_r_profile(). Copy and paste this code into your R profile, but change it to your name and email. If you would like to add your ORCID ID see ?use_description for an example for an example that includes that.
Then, restart your R session Session > Restart R.
If you don’t want to change your R profile, you can just run the code in the console without running edit_r_profile() or restartingWhen you’ve restarted, run use_description() to replace the DESCRIPTION file.
Open the DESCRIPTION file and take a look around.
Your Turn 1 Stretch Goal
Read the help page for use_usethis(). If there are any of these that you’d like available in all interactive sessions, run the function to get the related code and add it to your R Profile.
Learn More
The best place to learn more about these packages is their websites (devtools/usethis) or the Setup chapter of the R Packages book.
Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!
Course Content
27 Lessons
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