Packages so good they get their own functions
This lesson is called Packages so good they get their own functions, part of the Package Development with R course. This lesson is called Packages so good they get their own functions, part of the Package Development with R course.
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Your Turn
We need roxygen2 for this exercise. We’ll learn more about it in the next module. For now, just run use_roxygen_md()
Run use_tibble() and use_data_table()
In R/get_data.R, edit the function to be able to return a data table: Add the argument data_table = FALSE. If data_table is TRUE, convert the data frame with
Load the package and run this code to make sure it works
get_resident_data <- function(data_table = FALSE) {
residents_per_sector <- db_con("residents_per_sector")
if (data_table)
Your Turn 4 Stretch Goal
Run use_pipe() to add the magrittr pipe to your package. What changed?
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27 Lessons
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