Quarto Overview
This lesson is called Quarto Overview, part of the Fundamentals of R course. This lesson is called Quarto Overview, part of the Fundamentals of R course.
Click on the transcript to go to that point in the video. Please note that transcripts are auto generated and may contain minor inaccuracies.
Your Turn
Working in the same project you used for the data wrangling and data visualization sections, do the following:
Create a new Quarto file, setting the title as "Penguin Report", the author as your name, and the output format as Word.
Save your Quarto file as
.Look through the Quarto file and make sure that you can identify the YAML, text sections, and code chunks.
Click the Render button and open the
file that gets produced.
Learn More
The Quarto documentation website is a great place to start learning about Quarto.
Two other great resources for learning about Quarto are:
If you have used RMarkdown in the past and are transitioning to Quarto, I have a chapter in my book, R Without Statistics, showing how the two compare.
Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!
Course Content
34 Lessons
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Maria Montenegro • April 14, 2024
Hey David. When I try to render my Quarto I get this message in the "Background Jobs" tab:
==> quarto preview report.qmd --to docx --no-watch-inputs --no-browse
and nothing happens. Any idea what could be happening?
David Keyes Founder • April 15, 2024
Yes, that is just showing that the document is rendering. You should now have a file (HTML/PDF/Word, depending on the output format you selected) in your Files pane. Do you see that?