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Your Turn

  1. Go into the YAML and change the title to "My Penguins Report".

  2. Change the output format to HTML by changing format: docx to format: html.

  3. Render again and open the report.html to make sure that your changes show up.

Learn More

If you are really curious about why YAML is called YAML, here's the definitive answer.

See all the different export formats that you can use.

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My YAML has a fourth field (editor: visual). Did I inadvertently create that when I created the quarto file? Also, when I render the html file, I get an html file that pops up in my browser, but I don't see report in the Files or the Viewer (bottom right pane). What am I missing?

Libby Heeren

Libby Heeren Coach

October 25, 2023

Hey, Rob! Yep, the editor: visual call that you see in your yaml likely came from leaving the "Use visual markdown editor" checkbox checked while in the New Quarto Document set-up screen. No worries, though, that editor: visual call won't break anything! It just tells the file to open with the visual editor up instead of the source editor. Here's a quick video showing me creating a new document and where the html file gets saved.



January 19, 2024

Hi Dave, struggling to get pdf output. Any help would be much appreciated please. The below is what I get: ==> quarto preview Untitled.qmd --to pdf --no-watch-inputs --no-browse

processing file: Untitled.qmd

output file:

pandoc to: latex output-file: Untitled.tex standalone: true pdf-engine: xelatex variables: graphics: true tables: true default-image-extension: pdf

metadata documentclass: scrartcl classoption: - DIV=11 - numbers=noendperiod papersize: letter header-includes: - '\KOMAoption{captions}{tableheading}' block-headings: true title: My Penguins Report

running xelatex - 1 This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592653-2.6-0.999993 (TeX Live 2021) (preloaded format=xelatex) restricted \write18 enabled. entering extended mode

updating tlmgr

updating existing packages finding package for scrartcl.cls ERROR: Your TexLive version is not updated enough to connect to the remote repository and download packages. Please update your installation of TexLive or TinyTex.

Underlying message: Local TeX Live (2021) is older than remote repository (2023). Cross release updates are only supported with update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update See for details.

Error: Your TexLive version is not updated enough to connect to the remote repository and download packages. Please update your installation of TexLive or TinyTex.

Underlying message: Local TeX Live (2021) is older than remote repository (2023). Cross release updates are only supported with update-tlmgr-latest(.sh/.exe) --update See for details.

at findPackages (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:85156:27)
at async findAndInstallPackages (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:85921:30)
at async initialCompileLatex (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:85813:39)
at async generatePdf (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:85759:22)
at async Object.complete (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:86031:27)
at async file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:81084:31
at async withTimingAsync (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:19633:25)
at async Object.complete (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:81082:13)
at async Object.onPostProcess (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:86678:36)
at async renderFiles (file:///Applications/quarto/bin/quarto.js:86649:13)

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

January 19, 2024

Hmm, I've never seen this. Does the answer in this Stack Overflow thread help?



January 19, 2024

Thanks David. From the link you provided, used:

tinytex::tlmgr_update() tlmgr update --all --self tinytex::reinstall_tinytex()

All sorted! Much appreciated.