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R in 3 Months Spring 2022 Week 6 Project Assignment

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This week, your task is to get your project up on GitHub. I lay out details in the video below, but I want to highlight a few things:

If your project assignment isn't already in a separate project, please make one. Using one RStudio project for each unique project you work on will set you up for success. Jenny Bryan lays this out nicely :

I suggest organizing each data analysis into a project: a folder on your computer that holds all the files relevant to that particular piece of work.Jenny Bryan, Project-Oriented Workflow

Once you have your project set up, make it a local git repository using the use_git() function from the usethis package.

Next, push your local project to GitHub using the use_github() function. Feel free to make your project private if you would prefer (I demonstrate this in the video).

Then, once you have your project up on GitHub, go to settings > manage access and add me (my GitHub username is dgkeyes) and Charlie (GitHub username charliejhadley) as collaborators.

Finally, one thing that isn't in the video: Please add the URL of your repository below and submit the form below (also let us know if you have any specific questions in that section of the form). For me in my video below that would have been Submitting this form is how we know you have completed this week's project assignment and sets us up to provide feedback (if necessary).

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Trina Albright

Trina Albright

April 19, 2022

To clarify, is this week's assignment to submit the github repository we created while completing the week 6 exercises, and to experiment with data transformation functions separately? Or are you looking for us to push the code from our experimentation to a repository that we then submit? Thanks, Matt

Niger Sultana

Niger Sultana

April 22, 2022

Hi Charlie, Can multiple project within existing directory alright for working right way?

Cheers Niger