This carefully curated collection of resources will help you find packages and learning resources to help you on your R journey.
GitHub - nicucalcea/Ra11y: Collection of accessibility functions for R
Collection of accessibility functions for R
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GitHub - sebdalgarno/tinter: An R package to get tints and shades (and both) of a colour
An R package to get tints and shades (and both) of a colour
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GitHub - teunbrand/ggplot_tricks: Here, I collect some tricks I've learned about the {ggplot2} R package
A collection of tricks and tips for using the ggplot2 R package.
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GitHub - teunbrand/ggplot_tricks: Here, I collect some tricks I've learned about the {ggplot2} R package
A collection of tricks and tips for using the ggplot2 R package.
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golem is an opinionated framework for building production-grade shiny applications.
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gregers kjerulf dubrow - Exploring Happiness - Part 1…EDA
This text is about exploring happiness and conducting exploratory data analysis using R language. It discusses the World Happiness Report data and the process of importing and cleaning the data in RStudio. The author also mentions using packages like DataExplorer and explorer for EDA. The text provides code snippets for data loading and mentions the use of tidyverse, tidylog, and janitor packages.
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With the gt package, anyone can make wonderful-looking tables using the R programming language.
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gtExtras is an R package that provides additional helper functions to assist in creating beautiful tables with the gt package.
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Hadley Wickham @ Posit | Giving benefit to people using what you build | Data Science Hangout - YouTube
A Data Science Hangout interview with Hadley Wickham, discussing the philosophy of giving benefit to people using the tools he builds.
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