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Heads up!

Definitely take a look at the solutions video for this lesson (once you've tried it yourself!). It goes through the exercise for this lesson, which is quite challenging, step by step and provides an overview of how you can think about creating a plot you see elsewhere with code that you write.

Your Turn

Complete the facets sections of the data-visualization-exercises.Rmd file. You'll be asked to recreate a visualization as part of this. Here is the image for your reference:

Learn More

Facets Resources

Chapter 11 of the R Graphics Cookbook covers facets. Kieran Healy discusses them in Chapter 4 of Data Visualization: A Practical Introduction, as does Claus Wilke in Chapter 21 of Fundamentals of Data Visualization.

I’ve also written an article about the value of small multiples. It includes some code for making them.

Note that, while I’ve only showed you facet_wrap, there is also a facet_grid function that you might want to explore as well. Both are discussed in the R Graph Gallery article on facets.

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Erin Guthrie

Erin Guthrie

April 4, 2021

When I run the code (with some help from the solutions video), I get a message font family not found in Windows font database. The graphs and the labels are on top of each other. Is this something having to do with the theme?

Abby Isaacson

Abby Isaacson

April 15, 2021

Do you know why my bar outlines might be blue, even when running your solution code? The fills are all correct. After I installed devtools I think this started happening in both my Rmarkdown files.



March 31, 2022

Hi! How do you change "female" and "male" to "Female" and "Male"? Thanks!

Mychal Davis

Mychal Davis

April 7, 2022


I am not able to install any themes, when I try I get this error message "Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) : there is no package called ‘cli’".

Originally the error message stated, "Error in loadNamespace(j = 3.1.0 is required." So I attempted to update the package, but an error occurred when I tired to update it. I uninstalled the package and tired to reinstall it, but when I attempted to reinstall the package I received an error message.

Amanda Krantz

Amanda Krantz

October 26, 2022

I am able to generate the same graph, except the font size of the ages labels on the x axis are bigger and do they are squished together. I am getting errors about the Windows fonts, but it is still generating the graph otherwise, so maybe I just need to fix those fonts per the last lesson?

Melissa Mullins

Melissa Mullins

April 19, 2023

The facetting seems like it will be incredibly useful. I did have the same trouble as some people in the past with the overlapping font on the x-axis (whether I ran the code I wrote or the one from the solutions). I see there is a new video about this coming up so I look forward to learning more.