Advice on Finding International Datasets (01_11)
This lesson is called Advice on Finding International Datasets (01_11), part of the Mapping with R course. This lesson is called Advice on Finding International Datasets (01_11), part of the Mapping with R course.
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In this video I introduced administrative divisions as formally agreed country subdivisions. This is true, but it’s more complicated than I could explain in my slides. ADM1 levels are part of the formal ISO-3166-2 standard but this does not include levels ADM2 through to ADM5. For a human readable breakdown of the lower level administrative divisions I recommend reading Wikipedia’s list of administrative divisions.
If you’re looking for a country’s Census or Statistics Offices I’d recommend searching:
Wikipedia’s list of national statistics offices
The UN’s list of national statistics offices
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Michael Baker • July 27, 2024
In RStudio, I received the message:
In getData(country = "FRA", level = 0) : getData will be removed in a future version of raster . Please use the geodata package instead
After hunting around, I installed the {geodata} library in R. I surmised that I needed to download the Geopackage (GPKG) for France from the (I couldn't find a way to download it within R.) I then ran the following in R:
france_adm0 <- gadm(country = "FRA", path = "/Mypath to the Geopackage downloaded from the GADM website", level = 0)
Is this the correct approach?
David Keyes Founder • July 29, 2024
Yes, that approach looks reasonable to me! In terms of the larger issue of the
package, we are working on making updates to the lessons to reflect these changes. More soon!