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Mapping with R

Compare Locations/Events with Geobubble Charts (02_04)


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Your Turn

Use the your-turn.R script in 02_04 to create a geobubble chart of the most popular airports in the US.

Keep in mind the following two requirements:

  • Ensure small circles are not overlapped by bigger circles

  • Give the circles both a fill color and border color

Learn More

The geobubble chart I showed in the slides is slightly more refined than the one we built together. You can take a look at the slide code on GitHub to see how it was built.

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Jordan Trachtenberg

Jordan Trachtenberg • May 10, 2022

Hi Charley, do you know of any good resources for using the API for the US Bureau of Labor Statistics? I was able to get an API key but am interested in salary data for certain jobs by county. Thank you!

Yuri Zharikov

Yuri Zharikov • July 21, 2022

Hi Charlie, Could you point to how I can change the number of categories/breaks in the legend? I have tried doing something like this:

geom_sf(data = subset(plot_data_sf, species_code == "MAMU"), aes(size = dens_10km_o), alpha = 0.5, pch = 21, color = parknmca, fill = parknmca)+ scale_size_continuous(breaks=c(0, 100, 200, 400, 600),labels=c("0", "100", "200", "400", "600")) But this has not changed the default number of breaks. Thank you, Yuri

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34 Lessons