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Making Beautiful Tables with R

Heat map columns


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This lesson covers heat maps. These are tables where one, multiple or all cells have a background color which is chosen according to some numeric value Heat maps are great for helping your reader find the important values or the high or low values immediately.

bg_color_fct <- scales::col_numeric(palette = "viridis", domain = c(0, 30), na.color = 'white')
text_color_fct <- function(x) if_else(x < 20 & !, 'white', 'black')

## Source needs to take the grouped data into account. That's why it's shifted by one.
final_table |> 
  bg(i = ~(year %in% 2007:2009), j = 2:7, bg = bg_color_fct, source = 3:8) |> 
  color(i = ~(year %in% 2007:2009), j = 2:7, color = text_color_fct,source = 3:8) 

Your Turn

Turn the 1957 and the 2007 columns (without the average and maximum rows) into a heatmap. Your background color function should use a domain from zero to 85. Also make sure that texts that correspond to values below 50 use white text and black text otherwise. Your table should look like this:

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