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Making Beautiful Tables with R

Use groups instead of repetitive columns


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It’s better to use groups instead of repetitive columns. For instance, the island column repeats itself multiple times before we move on to the next island name. This is a doesn’t really look good. And it would be nice if we can just make it visually clearer that certain rows belong to certain islands.

The way to do that is to use groups. This means that we have rows (one for each island) that spans all of the columns. Here, we’ll transition to as_flextable() because I like hide_grouplabel. But I’ll show the flextable() version before that.

penguin_counts_wider |> 
  mutate(island = paste('Island: ', island)) |> 
    groups = 'island'
  ) |> 
  as_flextable(hide_grouplabel = TRUE) |> 
    island = 'Island',
    year = '',
    Adelie_female = 'Female',
    Adelie_male = 'Male',
    Chinstrap_female = 'Female',
    Chinstrap_male = 'Male',
    Gentoo_female = 'Female',
    Gentoo_male = 'Male'
  ) |> 
    values = c('', 'Adelie', 'Chinstrap', 'Gentoo'),
    colwidths = c(1, 2, 2, 2)
  ) |> 
    values = c('Penguins in the Palmer Archipelago', 'Data is courtesy of the {palmerpenguins} R package')
  ) |> 
  align(i = 3, align = 'center', part = 'header') |> 

Your Turn

Group your table by continent. Using hide_grouplabel = TRUE in as_flextable() may be helpful. At the end, your table should look like this:

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Ahmad Rabiee

Ahmad Rabiee • October 11, 2023

Hi When I run these codes, I get this error message (see below). Can you please help, not sure what I am doing wrong here? Ahmad

Error in add_header_row(set_header_labels(as_flextable(as_grouped_data(penguin_counts_wider,  : 
  sum of colwidths elements must be equal to the number of col_keys: 7.


#new names for columns
new_names <- c("Island", "Year", rep(c("Female", "Male"), 3))
names(new_names) <- colnames(penguin_count_wider)

# This code groups for Island
penguin_counts_wider |>
  as_grouped_data('island') |>
  as_flextable() |>
  set_header_labels(values= new_names) |>

# add new headers 
    values= c('', 'Adelie', "Chinstrap", "Gentoo"),  # '' is blank for the first two columns
    colwidths= c(2,2,2,2)
  ) |>

# add new lines for the title and subtitle   
      "Title: Penpuins in Palmer Archipelago", 
      "Subtitle:Data is the courtesy of the (PalmerPenguins) R Package")) |>

 # Align column headings (centered) a    
  align(i = 3, align = 'center', part = 'header') |> 
  # it's already left-aligned but for demo purposes we do it again
  align(j = 'year', align = 'right', part = 'body') |> 
Albert Rapp

Albert Rapp • October 12, 2023

Hi Ahmad,

when you switch to groups you actually "lose" one column. That's why in add_header_rows() you will need to modify colwidths= c(2,2,2,2) to colwidths= c(1,2,2,2). It's easy to forget this change. That's what happened to me in the video at 2:22.

Best, Albert

Lorenzo Botto

Lorenzo Botto • June 29, 2024

Hi, In the table above from gapminder, I would like to keep the continent left aligned but each country within each continent right aligned. When I use the line align(j = 'country', part = 'body', align = 'right') both the continent and the countries are aligned to the right. Thank you, Lorenzo

Albert Rapp

Albert Rapp • July 1, 2024

Due to the grouping, the things that are currently in the continent column are treated as if they were extra rows in the country column when the table is assembled. That's why the continents get right-aligned too. In this case, you will have to specify which rows to right-align via the i argument in align(). The best way to do that is to specify that the rows where the column country in the data set are NAs. You can see how the grouped data set looks by executing only

selected_countries |>
    groups = 'continent'

And to target the desired rows you will have to use the tilde notation (which we will use extensively when learning about styling). The code for this looks like this:

selected_countries |>
    groups = 'continent'
  ) |>
  as_flextable(hide_grouplabel = TRUE) |>
  set_header_labels(values = new_names) |>
    values = c('', '50s-70s', '80s-20s'),
    colwidths = c(1, 3, 3)
  ) |>
    values = c('Life expectancties over time', 'Data is courtesy of the {gapminder} R package')
  ) |>
  align(i = 3, align = 'center', part = 'header') |>
    j = 'country',
    i = ~!,
    align = 'right'
  ) |>