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title: "Portland Public Schools Math Proficiency Report"
format: html

![Portland Public Schools](portland-public-schools-logo.svg){width=300px fig-align="right" fig-alt="Portland Public Schools"}

# Introduction

This is a report on math proficiency results in [Portland Public Schools (PPS)]( The PPS mission statement is:

> ... to educate all children to their highest potential to be productive, respectful, self-reliant, and responsible citizens who value the richness of diversity. In partnership with families and the community, we are committed to excellence in a dynamic, child-centered, nurturing environment that provides the foundation and enthusiasm for life-long learning.^[]

Your Turn

Create a Quarto document and add the Oregon Department of Education logo to the top of your report. You can find it at the link here.

Add the following text (make sure you include the link, which is below):

"This is a report for the Oregon Department of Education on diversity in Oregon school districts."

Add the following text as a block quote:

The Oregon Department of Education fosters equity and excellence for every learner through collaboration with educators, partners, and communities.

Add a link to the source for mission statement as a footnote.

Learn More

This page on the Quarto website has information about all sorts of text (and other elements you can add to Quarto documents.

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Valliappan Muthu

Valliappan Muthu • May 29, 2024

Hello! I am unable to view on the viewer pane even after selecting "Preview in the viewer pane". Whenever I render I am suggested to save, instead of getting a preview. What could be the problem?

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder • May 30, 2024

Try this!

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