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Changing Variable Types

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View code shown in video
# Load Packages -----------------------------------------------------------


# Create Directories ------------------------------------------------------


# Download Data -----------------------------------------------------------


# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_2122.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_1819.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1718.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1617.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1516.xlsx")

# Import Data -------------------------------------------------------------

math_scores_2021_2022 <-
  read_excel(path = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_2122.xlsx") |> 

# Tidy and Clean Data -----------------------------------------------------

third_grade_math_proficiency_2021_2022 <-
  math_scores_2021_2022 |> 
  filter(student_group == "Total Population (All Students)") |> 
  filter(grade_level == "Grade 3") |> 
  select(academic_year, school_id, contains("number_level")) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("number_level"),
               names_to = "proficiency_level",
               values_to = "number_of_students") |> 
  mutate(proficiency_level = case_when(
    proficiency_level == "number_level_4" ~ "4",
    proficiency_level == "number_level_3" ~ "3",
    proficiency_level == "number_level_2" ~ "2",
    proficiency_level == "number_level_1" ~ "1"

third_grade_math_proficiency_2021_2022 |> 
  mutate(number_of_students = as.numeric(number_of_students)) |> 
  group_by(proficiency_level) |> 
  summarize(total_students = sum(number_of_students, na.rm = TRUE))

third_grade_math_proficiency_2021_2022 |> 
  mutate(number_of_students = parse_number(number_of_students)) |> 
  group_by(proficiency_level) |> 
  summarize(total_students = sum(number_of_students, na.rm = TRUE))

Your Turn

  1. Convert the number_of_students variable to numeric by using as.numeric() and parse_number().

  2. Make sure you can use your number_of_students variable to count the total number of students in Oregon.

Use the following starter code to help you:

# Load Packages -----------------------------------------------------------


# Create Directories ------------------------------------------------------


# Download Data -----------------------------------------------------------


# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20222023.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20212022.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20202021.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20192020.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20182019.xlsx")

# Import Data -------------------------------------------------------------

enrollment_2022_2023 <- read_excel(path = "data-raw/fallmembershipreport_20222023.xlsx",
                                   sheet = "School 2022-23") |> 

# Tidy and Clean Data -----------------------------------------------------

enrollment_by_race_ethnicity_2022_2023 <-
  enrollment_2022_2023 |> 
  select(district_institution_id, school_institution_id,
         x2022_23_american_indian_alaska_native:x2022_23_multi_racial) |> 
  select(-contains("percent")) |> 
  pivot_longer(cols = -c(district_institution_id, school_institution_id),
               names_to = "race_ethnicity",
               values_to = "number_of_students") |> 
  mutate(race_ethnicity = str_remove(race_ethnicity, pattern = "x2022_23_")) |> 
  mutate(race_ethnicity = case_when(
    race_ethnicity == "american_indian_alaska_native" ~ "American Indian Alaska Native",
    race_ethnicity == "asian" ~ "Asian",
    race_ethnicity == "black_african_american" ~ "Black/African American",
    race_ethnicity == "hispanic_latino" ~ "Hispanic/Latino",
    race_ethnicity == "multiracial" ~ "Multi-Racial",
    race_ethnicity == "native_hawaiian_pacific_islander" ~ "Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander",
    race_ethnicity == "white" ~ "White",
    race_ethnicity == "multi_racial" ~ "Multiracial"

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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I noticed this a couple videos back but I wanted to ask if it was correct and intentional or is it was a mistake - I see that in your case_when statement, you have two lines for multiracial:

race_ethnicity == "multiracial" ~ "Multi-Racial",


race_ethnicity == "multi_racial" ~ "Multiracial"

I haven't noticed any instances in the original dataset of race_ethnicity == "multiracial" but perhaps I missed them?

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

November 2, 2023

That's totally just a mistake on my end!