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Parameterized Reporting, Part 1

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View code shown in video
title: "Life Expectancy Report"
format: html
  echo: false
  warning: false
  message: false
  country: "Afghanistan"


life_expectancy <-
  gapminder |>
  select(country, year, lifeExp) |> 
  filter(country == params$country)

## Life Expectancy in `r params$country`

  data = life_expectancy,
    x = year,
    y = lifeExp
) +
  geom_line() +

Your Turn

I’ve created a starter project to help you. To install it:

  1. Make sure you have the usethis package installed (if you don’t, run install.packages("usethis") in the console).

  2. Run the code below in the console. Say yes to the prompts. This will download and open an RStudio project for you.


Then, working in the project:

  1. Open the file called report.qmd and render it to see what it looks like.

  2. Add a parameter in your YAML for continent and set its value to Asia.

  3. On line 19, change the code to filter the gapminder data using the continent parameter.

  4. On line 23, use inline R code to replace Asia with your continent parameter.

  5. Make sure you can render your report and have everything work exactly the same as when you first rendered.

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