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View code shown in video
# Load Packages -----------------------------------------------------------


# Create Directories ------------------------------------------------------


# Download Data -----------------------------------------------------------


# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_2122.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_1819.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1718.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1617.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_raceethnicity_1516.xlsx")
# download.file("",
#               mode = "wb",
#               destfile = "data-raw/oregon-districts-and-schools.xlsx")

# Import, Tidy, and Clean Data --------------------------------------------

clean_math_proficiency_data <- function(raw_data) {
  read_excel(path = raw_data) |> 
    clean_names() |> 
    filter(student_group == "Total Population (All Students)") |> 
    filter(grade_level == "Grade 3") |> 
    select(academic_year, school_id, contains("number_level")) |> 
    pivot_longer(cols = starts_with("number_level"),
                 names_to = "proficiency_level",
                 values_to = "number_of_students") |> 
    mutate(proficiency_level = case_when(
      proficiency_level == "number_level_4" ~ "4",
      proficiency_level == "number_level_3" ~ "3",
      proficiency_level == "number_level_2" ~ "2",
      proficiency_level == "number_level_1" ~ "1"
    )) |> 
    mutate(number_of_students = parse_number(number_of_students)) |> 
    group_by(school_id) |> 
    mutate(pct = number_of_students / sum(number_of_students, na.rm = TRUE)) |> 

third_grade_math_proficiency_2021_2022 <-
  clean_math_proficiency_data(raw_data = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_2122.xlsx")

third_grade_math_proficiency_2018_2019 <-
  clean_math_proficiency_data(raw_data = "data-raw/pagr_schools_math_tot_raceethnicity_1819.xlsx")

third_grade_math_proficiency <- 

oregon_districts_and_schools <- 
  read_excel("data-raw/oregon-districts-and-schools.xlsx") |> 
  clean_names() |> 
  rename(school_id = attending_school_institutional_id)

          join_by(school_id)) |> 

Your Turn

  1. Download the oregon-districts.xlsx file into the data-raw folder. You can download it from this URL:

  2. Import a new data frame called oregon_districts from oregon-districts.xlsx.

  3. Merge the oregon_districts data frame into the enrollment_by_race_ethnicity data frame so you can see the names of the districts.

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Marisel Strand

Marisel Strand

March 18, 2024

Hello, I was able to run this code, but now I get this message:

          join_by(district_institution_id)) |>

Error in UseMethod("left_join") : 
  no applicable method for 'left_join' applied to an object of class "NULL"


David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

March 18, 2024

Are you sure you have created both objects prior to running the left_join()? If so, can you please share your full code so I can review it?

Marisel Strand

Marisel Strand

March 19, 2024

I was able to run the join_left() function. Then when I was working on the next section: "Exporting data", it didn't work. So, I tried running everything again, and that's when my code to merge them stopped working.

David Keyes

David Keyes Founder

March 19, 2024

Can you please post your full code so I can review that?