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Advanced Markdown Text Formatting


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Your Turn

Add the Oregon Department of Education logo to the top of your report. You can find it at

Add the following text (make sure you include the link, which points to ):

This is a report for the Oregon Department of Education on diversity in Oregon school districts.

Add the following text as a block quote:

The Oregon Department of Education fosters equity and excellence for every learner through collaboration with educators, partners, and communities.

Add a link to the source for mission statement above ( ) as a footnote.

Learn More

The RMarkdown cheatsheet is a great place to turn to for questions on formatting text. The second page has information on advanced markdown text formatting.

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Atlang Mompe

Atlang Mompe • June 25, 2021

Hi David - I get these error messages when I try to run the code: > Error: unexpected '[' in "![" > > # Introduction > > This is a report for the Oregon Department of Education on diversity in Oregon school districts. Here is the mission statement for ODE: Error: unexpected symbol in "This is" > > > The Oregon Department of Education fosters equity and excellence for every learner through collaboration with educators, partners, and communities.^[Source: ODE Website] Error: unexpected '>' in ">"

Elan Sykes

Elan Sykes • December 31, 2021

Is there a reason to use the github version of remedy vs the CRAN version?

Lauren McGuigan

Lauren McGuigan • January 24, 2022

Hi David - I'm getting stuck when trying to knit the document. It's giving me the following error:
"Error in contrib.url(repos, "source") : trying to use CRAN without setting a mirror Calls: ... withVisible -> eval -> eval -> install.packages -> contrib.url Execution halted"

I installed the remotes package then used remotes::install_github("ThinkR-open/remedy").

Any thoughts? I couldn't seemed to find any solutions online that helped me. Thank you.

Lauren McGuigan

Lauren McGuigan • January 25, 2022

Thank you so much for your time with this. It worked! Should have known not to install packages there. Thanks again.

Alyssa Carr

Alyssa Carr • December 9, 2022

I am having trouble with knitting on all of my projects. I get the following error message: "Error while opening file. No such file or directory."

Tianna Kong

Tianna Kong • December 11, 2022

Is there a way to edit the size of the logo, like make it smaller for example?

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