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Your Turn

  1. Add a table of contents and make it floating

  2. Adjust default figure height, width, and captions

  3. Add a parameter to the YAML and use it in the body of your report to dynamically create a table of the top 10 districts by various race/ethnicity categories

Learn More

As I was making this course, I was confused about when you would define things like figure height and width in the YAML versus in the setup code chunk. Yihui Xie, developer of RMarkdown, helpfully laid out the differences for me in this RStudio Community thread.

I mention parameterized reporting in the video. This is the idea of making multiple reports at once. The Urban Institute has a nice walkthrough of how this works.

If you're looking for more YAML options, check out RMarkdown: The Definitive Guide as well as the ymlthis package.

Have any questions? Put them below and we will help you out!

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Abby Isaacson

Abby Isaacson

May 26, 2021

FYI I got this error AFTER I had successfully changed the variable names, so I updated: columns = vars(...)` has been deprecated in gt 0.3.0:

  • please use columns = c(...) insteadcolumns = vars(...) has been deprecated in gt 0.3.0:
  • please use columns = c(...) instead

Abby Isaacson

Abby Isaacson

May 26, 2021

Also, any ideas why my test caption doesn't show up? YAML: output: html_document: toc: TRUE toc_depth: 2 toc_float: TRUE fig_width: 8 fig_height: 10 fig_caption: TRUE


#options(scipen = 999)

enrollment_by_race_ethnicity %>% 
  filter(race_ethnicity == params$race_ethnicity_cat) %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols = c(district, district_id),
              names_from = year,
              values_from = percent_of_school) %>% 
  mutate(growth = `2018-2019` - `2017-18`) %>% 
  arrange(desc(growth)) %>% 
  select(-district_id) %>% 
  slice_max(growth, n = 10) %>% 
  gt() %>% 
    district = "District",
    growth = "Growth") %>% 
    columns = c(`2017-18`, `2018-2019`, growth),
    decimals = 1

the floating TOC in this course and elsewhere (e.g., keep the location within the TOC when I click to a different portion. But I’ve noticed that the TOC for R Graphics Cookbook always goes back to the top upon click (which I find annoying). What setting dictates whether the TOC “stays put” vs “returns to top”?

How do I know where I can put params$parameter_of_choice into the report and have it knit correctly? I tried to put it into the cols_label() function within quotes and it just showed up as "params$race_ethnicity" in the html doc: enrollment_race_ethnicity_with_percentages %>% filter(race_ethnicity == params$race_ethnicity) %>% filter(schoolyear == "2018_2019") %>% slice_max(percent_ethnicity, n = 10) %>% select(district, percent_ethnicity) %>% gt() %>% cols_label( district = "District", percent_ethnicity = "2018-2019 params$race_ethnicity Population Share" )

Sara Cifuentes

Sara Cifuentes

June 9, 2022

Hi, Although I have included this information in my YAML: output: html_document: toc: TRUE toc_depth: 2 toc_float: TRUE

I can't see the table of contents. Should I activate any specific library? Thank you in advance.

How could you dynamically pick the district with the most growth for the highlight_district data frame in the ggplot chart? We previously explicitly typed "Douglas ESD" as the one with the most growth for the Hispanic/Latino population then highlighted it in orange in the chart. Is there a way to automatically highlight the district with the most growth, based on the race_ethnicity parameter?